Drawings of the frame and trash rack
Standard EN 124 This European standard specifies the specifications for the design and testing methods for trash frames and bars to be used in vehicle and pedestrian areas. Depending on the design load and where the lid is placed, the frame and trash rack products are divided into 4 levels: A, B, C, D.
Group 1: Grade A, Load capacity> = 15kN ~ 1.5 tons
Only used for pedestrian or bicycle areas.
Group 2: Grade B, Load capacity> = 125kN ~ 12.5 tons
Used on sidewalks, pedestrian areas, motorbikes, car parks.
Group 3: Grade C, Load capacity> = 250kN ~ 25 tons.
Use the curbside cap, away from the sidewalk to the road side up to 0.5m and to pedestrians 0.2m.
Group 4: Grade D, Load capacity> = 400kN ~ 40 tons.
Use on roadway, parking lot for all road vehicles.
Cast iron products
Surface protection
Products Garbage frames and bars are treated to dry, dust-free, rust-free exterior, painted with black plastic.